Monday, April 26, 2010

Not Me! Monday

It was not me who unexpectedly met one of Nicholas' ex-girlfriends while buying plants yesterday. It was definitely not awkward because at first I didn't know how he knew her.


It was not my husband and I who thought we picked out a "honey" tinted paint color for our upstairs hallway but found it to be more like school bus yellow when it was on the walls. We did not completely banish the idea of yellow and decide to go with a minty green color. I did not just finish painting the hallway the awful yellow color so I can then go back over it with minty green.
UPDATE--It was not my husband who walked upstairs this evening and said, "You know I kind of like the yellow now that it is all over the walls."
And I was defintely not attracted to the green paint color because it had the word mint in it. I am most certainly not obsessed with mint. That is why we did not buy a mint plant at the garden store yesterday.

What have you not been doing today? Head over to MckMama's blog for more confessions.

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