Saturday, July 21, 2012

You Eat One, I Eat One

We have been incredibly blessed that Lil' D is an amazing eater. As we introduced new foods to him, he balked at less than a handful of them. He LOVES eating, and he has always eaten everything. He is starting to show signs of being a toddler. He is becoming finicky about what to eat and how he eats it. Nicholas plays a game "You Eat One, I Eat One" where he picks up a piece of food and gives Lil' D a piece of food, and then they both eat a piece of food. It works every time when Nicholas does it, and with any kind of food...broccoli, chicken, quesadilla. Silly kid. I wonder how much longer it will work!

Monday, July 9, 2012

A Lesson in Lunch Counter Conversation

Scene: Nicholas having lunch at an East Austin hippie vegetarian joint.
Players: Nicholas, Guy (a middle aged patron sitting at the food counter/bar)

Guy: What does your shirt say?
Nicholas: (looks down at shirt because there is no way he remembers what he pulled out of the closet that morning) Luther is my homeboy.
Guy: So does that mean are you super religious or sarcastic.
Nicholas: (thinks to mean ironic?) It means I am happily religious.
Nicholas proceeds to have a brief conversation with his server as he pays his lunch bill about Martin Luther being an interesting historical figure and doing some amazing writings.

There was a lull in the conversation while the server was figuring the lunch bill. This is where Nicholas should have stopped the conversation....but continued with Guy...someone who clearly frequents this lunch spot filled with hipsters.
Nicholas: (to Guy) And you, are you religious?
Guy: I'm Jewish.
Nicholas: That doesn't exclude you from being religious.
Guy: I just thought I would tell you that.
Nicholas: Ok.
Guy: (using an accusatory tone) Luther was an Anti-Semite.
Nicholas: That is one of the disappointing things about him, especially the writings toward the end of his life.
Guy: A lot of people think that sentiment started with the Nazi's but it existed in Germany for many years.

Nicholas parted ways with Guy...oh the lessons learned at the lunch counter.