Monday, February 15, 2010

Not Me! Monday


Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. This is my first Not Me! Monday, so here goes!

After finding out my husband had the flu last week, it was not me who secretly was thankful that our flights had already been canceled so we wouldn't lose any money on rescheduling our flights. When checking into our hotel, it was not me who requested separate beds so I wouldn't have to sleep next to my feverish husband. It was also not me who disinfected everything my hubby touched with hand sanitizer, including the toilet seat and the sink faucet. I love my husband and want to share everything with him, even germs.

It was most certainly not me who could not wait to get home so I could get in the car and go somewhere, anywhere on Friday. So I decided to do major grocery shopping. That would not have been me you saw wandering aimlessly around HEB on Friday night because I was so dazed and confused from being awake for like 18 hours. It was also not me who left said HEB without buying deodarant, the reason I specifically went to there!

And finally, it was definitely not me who burned the tortilla strips in the oven tonight while making dinner because I was too busy thinking about blogging. I would never try to do too many things at once!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Not Me club! LOL about the separate beds at the hotel. I'd never do that either :)
