Monday, August 31, 2009

It's a Ferry Wonderland

I promise this is the last post about Long Island. :) I thought I should devote an entire post to my very first ferry ride with my car! Since Nicholas was on a plane from Seattle the day we were meeting in Long Island, I had the pleasure of experiencing the ferry by myself for the first time. The ferry port in New London, CT was extremely busy at 11AM on a Friday morning. I arrived just in time to begin the car line for my ferry departure. Then I had to leave my car to go pick up my reserved ticket. Then I went to the bathroom. Apparently I dawdled too long, because when I got back to my car, they had already started loading my line of cars, and I was holding up the line! No love loss, though, because I jumped in my car and drove on the boat! It was a little weird. Then I locked up my car and went to the passenger seating area.
The ferry ride was about an hour and a half. The water was pretty calm. The annoying kids sitting next to me didn't stay very long.
On the way back to RI, Nicholas was with me. We were on a bigger boat, and it was 7pm, so we got some great sunset shots. I became an expert at spotting jellyfish in the water. We saw approximately 50,000 on our trip back to New London.

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