Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We spent three days last week with mini-Nick and mini-Liz (who will be 3 on Saturday!) while their parents were in Minnesota house hunting. Nick and Liz had never been away from the twins, and Nicholas and I had never spent the night with them. It was an adventure for us all. Here are some of the highlights.
--We were eating dinner and mini-Nick coughed. He look at me with his adorable little grin and said, "You got my germs!" Nicholas laughed, and I promptly told mini-Nick I didn't want his germs.
--The twins are potty training. I was in the bathroom with mini-Liz after her second accident of the evening (because the toys were way too much fun!), she looked at me and said, "You don't look happy." Is anyone really happy with potty-training?
--Mini-Nick is very adamant about doing everything himself, which means everything goes on inside-out and backwards.
--Nicholas was trying to reason with mini-Nick when it was time to put on PJs. Mini-Nick had had just about enough of all that and said, "I don't like you, Nit! I want Dana to watch me." Shortly thereafter, mini-Liz whispered to Nicholas, "I like you."
--The twins got to spend a little time at our apartment while we were meeting with a moving guy. The moving guy was rather confused. He must have thought we were crazy and wondered where the twins slept amidst the glass torsos, books, and various other kid un-friendliness.
--When the moving guy asked mini-Liz how old she was, she said, "We will be 3 in 2 weeks!" What a smart cookie!
--We took the twins on a walk around our apartment complex. On the first trip, they raced each other until I said stop, which was quiet often. We had to hold hands to cross "the street" including the plethora of entrances to parking lots.
--We had dinner with the Sprouts one night. They have 3 children. The four oldest kids sat at the kid's picnic table to eat outside. I set a big bowl of watermelon down on the adult table and turned my back for one second until I heard Tater ask if she could have a piece. I turned around to find that all 4 kids had watermelon in their hands! Vultures, I tell you!

--Our whole entourage took a walk around the Sprouts neighborhood. We were on our second time around when mini-Liz fell smack down on her knees and forehead. We stuck to the grass after that. That night both mini-Nick and mini-Liz went right to sleep, we wore them (and ourselves) out so much!

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