Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Festivities Begin

Friday was the first official day of graduation activities for RISD. Nicholas had graduation rehearsal in the morning where he got the low-down on where to be, how to stand, and when to scream. Then his dad and little brother graciously helped him finish cleaning out his locker while his mom and I did a last minute grocery run for the Saturday festivities.
Then we were off to RISD for the Fine Arts Reception held in the Woods Gerry Gallery. The Senior Invitational show was up, and two of Nicholas' cohorts in the glass department had work there. Then President Maeda gave a little introduction...

Followed by a rousing speech by Representative Patrick Kennedy. You may remember we saw him at our hometown parade on Monday. He is a big advocate of the arts and a good public speaker, not to mention he seemed genuinely happy to be in attendance (unlike Senator Jack Reed who was a last minute addition to Commencement on Saturday).

It didn't take long for us to realize that this reception/Awards ceremony wasn't really for us. So...we headed to Pawtucket to show the Austinites Nicholas' independent thesis show filled with glass torsos. They, of course, were awed and impressed.
Afterwards, there was a little brotherly lovin'...

The Eide's met us in Warren so we could go to "India," but once we got there we found they were closed. So mini-Liz and I enjoyed the swings in the courtyard of the closed restaurant.

Mini-Nick using the menu as a "songbook."
We ended up eating at Stella Blues, a staple with yummy seafood.

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