Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Story of Our First House--Part 2

We have officially moved into our new house!! But first, the final chapter of our first house. Part of our story is the story of our family. When we bought our house, Nicholas had just graduated from graduate school. We lived in Rhode Island and were planning to move back to Austin. We bought our house in July, but didn't move in until September. We were starting a new chapter of our lives and looking forward to what fun that would bring. 
Our bedroom changed over the years to accommodate room for babies to sleep next to Mommy and places for nighttime nursing. 
Our guest bedroom became our first nursery with the birth of Big Bro! 
We didn't get a crib right away, so the nursery transformation was rather slow.
When I became pregnant with Lil' Bro, we went to work on transforming Big Bro's nursery to a Big Brother room.
I was so excited to set up my office when we first moved into our house. It was great for awhile. Then my office quickly became the place that everything got put because we were having a baby and didn't have room for it. Then Lil' Bro came along and needed a nursery! I lost the office and worked hard to find a place for all that "extra" stuff. We had outgrown our house!
We never really finished making Big Bro's nursery a nursery, so I was happy (and determined) to finish Lil' Bro's nursery before he was born. I had a great time designing it and making it a special place for us all to be.
And here ends the story of our first house. In our first house we learned what it was to be homeowner's, dabbled in remodeling, refined our painting skills, became confident DIY-er's, started a family, and created a lovely home for the next family!

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