Friday, August 25, 2017

Beach Camping Trip

At the end of July we took a camping trip to Corpus. We spent 3 nights at Goose Island State Park and 1 night at Mustang Island State Park. That's right, we spent 4 nights tent camping with 3 young kids, and we survived (and had lots of fun)! We arrived on Saturday, set up camp, had dinner, and enjoyed a little time walking by the water before sunset.
Sunday morning, we headed to Rockport Beach which is very family friendly. The water was really shallows for 400 yards or so out. The boys had a blast playing in the sand and water.
After several hours at the beach, we spent the afternoon in Rockport visiting the Aquarium, art museum, and enjoying herons by the water.
Monday, we headed back to Rockport Beach for more fun in the sand and low waves.
We decided to switch campsites our last night at Goose Island State Park to get some nighttime breeze.
And to be right by the water. It was awesome! The boys enjoyed fishing right from our campsite!
We enjoyed s'mores with our sunset. The evening in our tent was lovely! I almost needed a sheet when I woke up in the morning.
Tuesday morning we headed to the fishing pier.
Daddy found a hermit crab inside a plastic bottle. A park ranger had to cut him out!
After some fishing fun, we broke down camp and headed to Mustang Island State Park. It was about an hour drive, and we took the Port Aransas Ferry. It was a short ferry ride (a first for the boys), and the boys loved it!
Our campsite at Mustang Island State Park was VERY exposed. After setting everything up, we headed to the beach. 
As we walked up, Big Bro said, "This is just like the beach I remember from books!" We spent the evening at the beach. We played in the sand, ran in the water, watched ghost crabs, ate dinner and watched the sunset.
Wednesday morning, we packed up camp as quickly as possible and headed to the Texas State Aquarium before heading back home. It was a great trip!
Our beach camping animal list: ghost crab, blue heron, white tail deer, pelican, seagull, white egret, ibis, snake (green lines), brown anoll, tree frog, dolphin (black, maybe false killer whale), hermit crab, jellies, moon jellyfish, sand eel, red lionfish, mantis shrimp, giant hermit crab, black drum, red drum, honeycomb moray eel, seahorse, opossum, racoon, jumping fish, blue crab, kill deer, caracara, turkey vultures, red winged blackbird, cardinal and tern.

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