Sunday, August 28, 2011


"Do you ever just look at his hands and think they look like they are just glued on to his arms?" --Matt Turman, age 12
I love looking at these hands.
I love watching them reach for things.
I love watching them explore. I love watching them feel completely as a sense, something I don't often do.
I love watching these fingers move. These fingers that interact with so many things--the carpet, spoons, Mommy's hair, toys...
I love watching these hands grow.
I love that these hands make me smile.
I love watching these hands pick up objects differently than my hands would. I love watching these hands move objects all around.
I love watching these hands explore new textures and make new sounds for your ears to hear.
I love that these fingers move and open from a fist that looks like you are telling Mommy to "come here."
I love these precious,
6 month old, cute, baby hands.


  1. what a lovely poem about his hands!

  2. He looks so amused! I wish spoons were still that fun for us as adults....

